Welcome to my new homepage. Here, you'll find random bits of code (mostly processing and chuck) and hypertext links to my favourite pages of the World Wide Web.
Personal Ressources
GA, sound bricolage with genetic algorithms for pure data, chuck and supercollider ga how-to & code
Sonic graphics and visual music made with IBNIZ : ibniz videos & code
Rudolf Clausius vs. Jack Kirby (Splash Page) / My contribution to Written Images, the generative book of generative works, sample pic + pic & chips + code
Echelle Inconnue / Mobio : geolocalized audio player built with arduino to make the walls whisper : mobio : code, schematics & more
Knitted pictures with processing : pics here & video of the process : paysages / process
atari chip chuck : atari 8-bit sounds class for ChucK
opcode : an openProcessing source code reader utility : display all pde's on the same page, with syntax highlighting, output to pdf
hackpact 2009 : random explorations through noise with ChucK & processing
SwarmPong : What's Pong in 2009? Made during the Share experiment, june 2009
ChucK tutorial (fr) : a rather old french translation (2006) for using ChucK in command line
reactive table helper : an utility to find cam pixel definition for building reactive tables.
Low Budget Tron : a processing applet originally published on instructionset.org (the instruction was "draw a line and follow it")
urzhiata (fr): a weblog to share interests about digital culture, needs updating!
More to come
Elsewhere on the network : twitter/emoc, code on openprocessing.org : p5 portfolio/emoc, pix flickr/emoc,
sounds soundcloud/emoc, code gitorious/~emoc, video vimeo/emoc
Useful World Wide Web links :
Each highlighted phrase (in color or underlined) is a hyperlink to another document or information resource somewhere on the Internet. Single click on any highlighted phrase to follow the link) :
codelab.fr : a french speaking community of practice about code and DIY for digital creation
echelleinconnue.net : experiences which question city, space and territory
archive.org wayback machine : 150 billion pages worth reading.
More links in my online shared bookmarks
Best viewed with Mosaic
Last updated : apr. 19, MMXIII
Contact : mail@emoc.org
Thanks to Ada Lovelace